Chirorucho "Brownie Chocolate Assortment": Moist and crunchy chocolate, strawberry, and banana flavors! Large American pop bag

A new product with a moist and crunchy texture, "Chirorucoco [Brownie Chocolate Assortment]," will be available at drugstores Create S.D. from May 15, 2010.


[Brownie Ch

ocolate Assortment
Chirorucho "Brownie Chocolate Assortment": Moist and crunchy chocolate, strawberry, and banana flavors! Large American pop bag

These Tyrol Chocolates are made with different textures such as black cookie crunch, ground almonds, and chocolate chips to recreate the texture of a satisfying brownie. Easy-to-eat half-size chocolates in an assortment of three flavors: chocolate, strawberry, and banana. The inclusion is random.

Chirorucho "Brownie Chocolate Assortment": Moist and crunchy chocolate, strawberry, and banana flavors! Large American pop bag

The top of the chocolate has the letters "chi," "ro," "lu," "chi," "yo," and "ko" written on it. The design of the package is an American pop design, in keeping with the birthplace of brownies, the U.S.A. The individual wrappers are illustrated like kraft paper. The standard weight is 102g (3.6oz) (including the individual wrappers).

Chirorucho "Brownie Chocolate Assortment": Moist and crunchy chocolate, strawberry, and banana flavors! Large American pop bag

Chirorucho "Brownie Chocolate Assortment": Moist and crunchy chocolate, strawberry, and banana flavors! Large American pop bag


Chocolates were created with the idea of "delivering high-end chocolates to children for 10 yen," which was the price at the time. In addition to its popular standard products, the company offers a variety of collaborative products, seasonal products, and challenging new flavors. The total number of flavors has reached over 500.