"Chicken bamboo shoots boiled" soaked in soup stock
Introducing a simple recipe for the main side dish "Chicken bamboo shoots". The next day after making it, the taste is familiar and delicious.
Material ( For 2 people )
Boiled bamboo shoots 100g (3.53oz)
Chicken thigh 200g (7.05oz)
Silk pod About 15
soy sauce 1 tablespoon
Granule soup stock 1/2 teaspoon
water 200ml (6.76us fl oz)
Cooking sake 1 tablespoon
Sesame oil 2 tsp
seven spice blend Appropriate amount as you like
Boiled chicken bamboo shoots

Introducing a simple recipe for the main side dish "Chicken bamboo shoots". The next day after making it, the taste is familiar and delicious.

Boiled chicken bamboo shoots


Boiled bamboo shoots 100g (3.53oz)
Chicken thigh 200g (7.05oz)
About 15 silk pods 1 tablespoon soy sauce
Granule soup stock 1/2 teaspoon
200 ml of water
1 tablespoon of cooking liquor
2 teaspoons of sesame oil
Shichimi pepper, an appropriate amount if you like

How to make

Cut the chicken into pieces that are easy to eat. Bamboo shoots are bite-sized dice, and silk pods are cut in half diagonally.

Cut silk pods

Add sesame oil to a frying pan and bake the chicken on medium heat for about 3 minutes.

Roasted chicken thigh

When the chicken is roasted, turn it over, add bamboo shoots and fry. When the oil is all over, add water, sake, soy sauce, and granule soup stock and simmer.

"Chicken bamboo shoots boiled" simple recipe

When the juice is about 1/3, add silk pods and fry for about 2 minutes to complete. Sprinkle shichimi pepper if you like.

Boiled chicken bamboo shoots

What is the taste of boiled chicken bamboo shoots?

The crispy and fresh bamboo shoots and the juicy chicken thighs are soaked in the umami of the soup stock and are delicious! The aroma of stir-fried in sesame oil gives the taste a sense of depth and satisfaction. A pleasant accent with the refreshing flavor of silk pods.

Boiled chicken bamboo shoots

If you cut the ingredients into large pieces, you will be able to eat them! I like to sprinkle shichimi pepper, but the spicy spiciness makes the chopsticks more advanced.