Kameya Bannen-do "Mame Mame Dorayaki

Kameya Mannendo "Mame Mame Dorayaki

Mame Mame Dorayaki" will go on sale on January 7 from Kameya Mannendo direct sales stores and the official online store. The price is 216 yen (tax included). Seasonal only.

Mame Mame Dorayaki" is a seasonal dorayaki with a moist dough that has a hint of sweet honey flavor and is filled with "mame bean paste" made from five kinds of beans.

Kameya Bannen-do's dorayaki are characterized by a firm yet moist texture, and the carefully cooked "mamean" (bean paste) sandwiched between the dorayaki gives them an exquisite texture that allows you to taste the differences between the five types of beans! You can fully enjoy the taste of beans.

The following five types of beans are used.


Dainagon is said to have been named "Dainagon," the official rank of a nobleman who is not in the habit of committing seppuku, because it is larger than azuki beans and its skin does not tear easily when boiled.

Tebou Beans

A beautiful white bean, mainly used for white bean paste. It is said that the name "Tegomame" comes from the fact that it is a semi-vine and does not need a hand bamboo as a support.


The name "chickpea" comes from the shape of the bean, which resembles a chick. They are characterized by their unique crunchy texture.


A typical type of kidney bean. Rich in calcium, iron, and vitamins.

Green pea

Beans used to make uguisu bean paste. Rich in dietary fiber and vitamin B1.