7-ELEVEN Premium Soy Meat and Beef Hamburger Demiglace Sauce / Tomato Cheese Sauce

"7-ELEVEN Premium Soy Meat and Beef Hamburger Demiglace Sauce" and "7-ELEVEN Premium Soy Meat and Beef Hamburger Tomato Cheese Sauce" using processed soybeans as raw materials will be released sequentially from December 7th. Available at about 500 supermarkets under its umbrella (Ito-Yokado, York Benimaru, York Mart York Foods, etc.).

In recent years, the market for products that use "soy meat" as a raw material that can replace livestock meat is expanding in order to respond to growing health consciousness and environmental awareness. Soybeans are highly nutritious and are attracting attention as a foodstuff that allows easy intake of vegetable protein. On the other hand, many people are not satisfied with the taste and texture of products using "soy meat" and are looking for more delicious products.

7-ELEVEN Premium Soy Meat and Beef Hamburger Demiglace Sauce

"7-ELEVEN Premium Soy Meat and Beef Hamburger" uses substitute meat and beef that utilize soy protein that reproduces the taste, texture, and mouthfeel of eating the original meat. It is fluffy and juicy so that people who have never eaten soybean meat or who are not satisfied with the taste can eat it deliciously. * Livestock meat raw materials are also used in the products

7-ELEVEN Premium Soy Meat and Beef Hamburger

There are two types of flavors, "Demi-glace sauce" and "Tomato cheese sauce". The price is 298 yen each (excluding tax).