Boiled chicken wings and cabbage
A simple simmered dish that enjoys the umami of chicken wings and the sweetness of cabbage. It is a recipe that thickens with potato starch and makes it like a soup.
Material ( For 2 people )
Chicken wings 5-6
Sesame oil 2 tsp
cabbage 1/4
Soy sauce, mirin, sake 2 tbsp each
water 300ml (10.14us fl oz)
Starch 2 tsp
Boiled chicken wings and cabbage

A simple simmered chicken wings and cabbage. It is a recipe that thickens with potato starch and makes it like a soup.

Boiled chicken wings and cabbage


5-6 teaspoons of sesame oil
Cabbage 1/4
2 tablespoons each of soy sauce, mirin, and sake
300 ml of water
2 teaspoons of potato starch

How to make

Heat sesame oil in a pan and add chicken wings. Bake while rolling until the surface color changes roughly.

Boiled chicken wings and cabbage

Add water and seasonings, cover and simmer over low heat for 10 to 15 minutes.

Boiled chicken wings and cabbage

Add the chopped cabbage and simmer.

Boiled chicken wings and cabbage

When the cabbage is thick, add the potato starch dissolved in water and thicken it to complete. * If you add potato starch directly, it will become lumpy, so be sure to dissolve it in water and add it.

Boiled chicken wings and cabbage

What is its taste?

The rich flavor of chicken wings is complemented by the gentle seasoning. The thick soup warms your body.

Boiled chicken wings and cabbage

Boiled chicken wings and cabbage

The sweetness of the cabbage, which is a mixture of the thick part and the crispy part, is also good. It goes great with chicken! As time goes by, the taste will become familiar and it will become more delicious, so it is recommended to make more.