Lawson pistachio ice cream

Must-see for pistachio lovers! I would like to introduce Lawson's original ice cream "Uchi Cafe Pistachio Waffle Cone" because it had a more pistachio feel than I had imagined.

Uchi Cafe Pistachio Waffle Cone

A product released at the end of April. The quantity is limited and the price is 298 yen (tax included).

Lawson pistachio ice cream

Like soft serve ice cream, ice cream rolled up in a waffle cone. Many pistachio flavored sweets are bright green, but this one is a slightly greenish beige color.

Lawson pistachio ice cream

However, the pistachio flavor is often more pronounced when it is not colorful . The pistachio itself is not that strong green, and the pistachio taste is weakened by the amount that the green is added with a coloring agent to give it a “likeness”.

That's why this pale Lawson ice cream is highly anticipated. Now!

Lawson pistachio ice cream

The moment I ate it, I suddenly moaned, "Hmm!" From the first moment to the aftertaste, angry pistachios. Maybe it's the first time for such a strong pistachio taste.

Lawson pistachio ice cream

You can fully enjoy the unique flavor that is fragrant but refreshing. It is also authentic to feel a slight astringency in the aftertaste. The milky feeling doesn't come out, but the balance that is the foundation of the richness is also exquisite.

Recommended for pistachio lovers! The quantity is limited, so please try it while you are in the store.