Kitaya Almost Mayo Soymilk Mayonnaise

100% vegetable mayonnaise made from soy milk. I would like to introduce Kitaya's "almost mayo" because it was delicious.

Kitaya Almost Mayo

Mayonnaise made from soy milk from Kyushu and additive-free miso. Finished without using animal materials such as eggs and dairy products and chemical seasonings. One pack contains 200g (7.05oz) and the price is 680 yen (excluding tax).

Kitaya Almost Mayo Soymilk Mayonnaise

Kitaya Almost Mayo Soymilk Mayonnaise

Almost fair-skinned mayonnaise compared to mayonnaise. The mouthfeel is a little fluffy like white sauce.

Kitaya Almost Mayo Soymilk Mayonnaise

The acidity is mellow with the use of apple cider vinegar. The richness is brought out with rapeseed oil and miso, and you can enjoy the deliciousness and satisfaction that is completely comparable to mayonnaise. The punch is a little weak, and the finish is gentle and elegant. The aftertaste is refreshing.

Kitaya Almost Mayo Soymilk Mayonnaise

Soy milk has a slight aftertaste. I think that even people who are not good at beans with strong claims are OK.

Not only for salads and hot vegetable dips, but also for making 100% vegetable potato salad using beans. It goes perfectly with okonomiyaki.

Kitaya Almost Mayo Soymilk Mayonnaise

Kitaya Almost Mayo Soymilk Mayonnaise

For those who want to avoid eggs and dairy products, and those who like the gentle taste! In addition to the "original plain" in the image, "with yuzu pepper" is also available.