Lasagna with Koya-Tofu
This lasagna recipe uses dried tofu instead of pasta and is low in carbohydrates. Using a can of sauce makes it easy to simply layer and bake. Also good as a party menu.
Material ( For 2 persons )
freeze-dried tofu two sheets (pieces) (of paper)
tomato sauce with minced meat 100g (3.53oz)
white sauce 100g (3.53oz)
pizza cheese as much as you want
Lasagna with Koya-Tofu

Lasagna" is a richly flavored dish made by layering meat sauce, white sauce, and cheese on a plate of pasta. Even if you don't have many opportunities to eat it, many people must like it.

Using dried tofu instead of pasta makes it easy and low in sugar! Here is a recipe that is perfect for a party menu.

Koya-Tofu Lasagna Recipe

Ingredients: Ingredients

are listed here for 2 servings.

2 pieces of Koya-Tofu (7 x 5.5 x 1.5 cm)
100 g meat sauce
100 g white sauce
As much pizza cheese as you like

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Lasagna with Koya-Tofu
Canned sauce is easy to use (or make your own)

Preparation Method

Soak koya-tofu in hot water at about 50°C (122°F) and squeeze out the water well.

Lasagna with Koya-Tofu

Slice into 3 thin slices. If it is difficult, 2 slices can be used.

Lasagna with Koya-Tofu

Lasagna with Koya-Tofu

In an ovenproof dish, layer the koya-tofu, then the meat sauce, then the white sauce in that order, and finally sprinkle with pizza cheese.

Lasagna with Koya-Tofu

Lasagna with Koya-Tofu
Meat Sauce,

Lasagna with Koya-Tofu
White sauce,

Lasagna with Koya-Tofu
Koya-tofu...and repeat,

Lasagna with Koya-Tofu
Finally, add cheese.

Heat in a preheated oven at 180°C for 10 minutes. Finish with a sprinkling of parsley if you have it.

Lasagna with Koya-Tofu

Lasagna with Koya-Tofu

Koya Tofu Lasagna Tastes like.

Lasagna with Koya-Tofu

The meat sauce and white sauce melt into a rich, rich flavor. The dried tofu is chewy and gives the lasagna more volume than lasagna made with pasta. The dried tofu remains in the mouth rather than in the sauce, giving it a rich aftertaste.

Lasagna with Koya-Tofu

It is obvious that it is different from pasta lasagna when you eat it, but there is no sense of discomfort or disappointment. The umami of the meat sauce, the milkiness of the white sauce, and the melted texture of the cheese are enough to satisfy the lasagna craving.

Lasagna with Koya-Tofu

Another key point is that you can easily make this dish for one person or more, depending on the size of your dried tofu. We also recommend a "curry lasagna" arrangement using curry instead of meat sauce.

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