Cafe de Clie "Milk Tea Chiffon Cake"

I tried the new menu "Milk Tea Chiffon Cake" from Cafe de Clie. It is a refreshing dish that mixes citrus fruits and black tea from the dough kneaded with tea leaves.

Cafe de Clie "Milk Tea Chiffon Cake"
It is tightly wrapped in cellophane, so peel it off carefully.

The price is 380 yen (excluding tax). A cake made by wrapping a sponge dough that has been kneaded with Earl Gray tea and baked softly with whipped cream, and topped with flavorful black tea syrup.

Along with the light texture of chiffon, the mellow aroma of tea leaves reminiscent of citrus and the gentle taste of milk tea spread in your mouth.

The black tea syrup on the top is fairly solid and has a jelly-like shape that is elastic even with a fork. Looking at the taste, it has a strong black tea scent, but syrup alone does not have that much individuality.

Cafe de Clie "Milk Tea Chiffon Cake"
syrup. Hard jelly quality

The whipped cream has a mild sweetness and is soft and moist. There is no habit, and it complements the tea flavor of syrup and dough.

Cafe de Clie "Milk Tea Chiffon Cake"
Whip is light night

Cafe de Clie "Milk Tea Chiffon Cake"
The sponge is full of Earl Gray tea leaves

The sponge dough contains a lot of tea leaves, and when you chew it, it smells like Earl Gray tea. When combined with the aroma of syrup black tea, it has a multi-layered and deep taste. If you want to combine drinks, please try hot milk tea.

Cafe de Clie "Milk Tea Chiffon Cake"
I will!