Lawson "Sakura shrimp kakiage soba"
Let's eat "Setsubun soba" for Setsubun

Setsubun this weekend (February 3rd). In addition to bean-maki and ehomaki, there is also the practice of eating "Setsubun soba".

That's why this time, I'm going to decide on the No. 1 cospa near convenience stores that you can easily buy! Eat and compare "Kakiage Soba" from 7-ELEVEN, Lawson, and FamilyMart.

"Kakiage soba" from 3 convenience stores
I bought it!

I bought 7-ELEVEN "Katsuo Dashi Kakiage! Kakiage Soba that is proud of Koshi" (398 yen, tax included, same below), Lawson "Sakura Ebi no Kakiage Soba" (399 yen), FamilyMart "Range Kakiage" Soba "(398 yen). Heat it in the microwave and you're ready to go.

◆ Odashi is 7-ELEVEN's overwhelming victory

First of all, when you compare the taste of "Otsuyu", 7-ELEVEN has an overwhelmingly strong soup stock flavor! It is sweet and mellow. As expected, the product name is "Katsuo Dashi", which is just appealing to the front.

7-ELEVEN "Katsuo Dashi is good! Kakiage soba that is proud of its elasticity"
7-ELEVEN Kakiage Soba

7-ELEVEN "Katsuo Dashi is good! Kakiage soba that is proud of its elasticity"
The soup stock has a very good flavor

Lawson is also good, but the scent that comes out of the mouth is stronger in 7-ELEVEN. FamilyMart has the most salty taste and has a crisp and strong taste. The scent of the rocky shore that comes out of the wakame seaweed is also heard, which is delicious, but in terms of the depth of the soup stock, 7-ELEVEN's victory is overwhelming.

◆ Soba is by a small margin Lawson

Next, eat and compare the essential "soba". 7-ELEVEN is thick and soft, crispy and crispy soba. Lawson is elastic and elastic, and FamilyMart is thin and has moderate hardness.

I think there are individual tastes, but I liked Lawson's texture because it felt like it was the closest to eating soba at a restaurant.

Lawson "Sakura shrimp kakiage soba"
Lawson's Kakiage Soba

Lawson "Sakura shrimp kakiage soba"
Moderately elastic

◆ Kakiage is FamilyMart

Finally, compare the "kakiage" with onions and carrots. The one that tasted the best was the kakiage of FamilyMart, the smallest of the three companies.

FamilyMart "Range Kakiage Soba"
Kakiage soba from FamilyMart

FamilyMart "Range Kakiage Soba"
The smallest of the three companies

Suck the soup in your mouth and put it in your mouth to melt it. And the richness and aroma of the spreading oil. It's similar to the thick-fried 7-ELEVEN, but it has a slightly savory aroma that makes it look like it was deep-fried by FamilyMart.

FamilyMart "Range Kakiage Soba"
Dark and fragrant

Lawson's kakiage was also delicious. It was the thickest, and even if the soup was soaked, a little crispy and fluffy texture remained. The crispy sakura shrimp flavor is also strong and authentic. However, if you want the aroma unique to kakiage, FamilyMart is better.

Lawson "Sakura shrimp kakiage soba"
Lawson's kakiage was the best texture

◆ Overall victory ...

Based on the above, the No. 1 cospa is ... Lawson's "Sakura Shrimp Kakiage Soba"!

Lawson "Sakura shrimp kakiage soba"
I decided on you!

Lawson had the best overall balance. The soup, soba, and kakiage are all delicious. The price is only 1 yen higher than the other two companies, but I think Lawson has the best taste of kakiage.

Of course, 7-ELEVEN and FamilyMart soba are also delicious, so please eat your favorite soba on Setsubun day. It's thin and long like buckwheat noodles, so that you can spend your time in good health!

* Product inventory status varies depending on the store / region.