Seedscore "Homemade Pickles"
"Pickles" that are sober but nice to have

"Pickles" that make the food look much higher just by adding it to the main dish. That sweet and sour taste is a habit. If you like it, you can drink alcohol by itself.

I love it, but I thought it would be a bit of a hassle to pickle it myself, but I found an item that requires almost no weighing and can be easily pickled! Seedscore's "Homemade Pickles".

Seedscore "Homemade Pickles"
No worries about failure even in Zubora like me!

◆ Contains all spices

Homemade pickled cucumber is a "pickled cucumber cooking kit" that contains herbs, spices, sugar beet sugar, dried fruits, etc. in a small bottle. Just add vinegar and your favorite vegetables to this and you will have a real pickle.

There are three flavors: "Ginger & Curry", "Apple & Mango", and "Citrus". This time, I will try "Apple & Mango" with apples and mango, and "Citrus" with citrus and herbs.

Seedscore "Homemade Pickles"
Apple & Mango on the left, Citrus on the right

◆ I made it

Prepare your favorite vegetables such as carrots, cucumbers, paprika and petit tomatoes.

Seedscore "Homemade Pickles"
Cut your favorite vegetables appropriately

Put 100 ml of vinegar (rice vinegar, apple cider vinegar, etc.) in a jar and leave it for several hours until the sugar beet sugar dissolves. If it doesn't melt easily, you may want to stir it lightly with chopsticks.

Seedscore "Homemade Pickles"
Pour vinegar

Seedscore "Homemade Pickles"
Wait for the sugar beet to dissolve

When it melts, just add the cut vegetables and let it soak for a while. The pickles of stains were completed overnight! If you don't like spicy food, please remove the chili pepper.

Seedscore "Homemade Pickles"
Favorite vegetables

Seedscore "Homemade Pickles"
Put as much as you can

Seedscore "Homemade Pickles"
Close the lid tightly and leave

Seedscore "Homemade Pickles"
So much stains in one night!

◆ Like pickles to eat at a cafe!

I ate the finished pickles.

Seedscore "Homemade Pickles"
Really done!

Pickles pickled in apple and mango have a slight sweetness, fruity and mellow spice. Citrus, on the other hand, has a refreshing herb and a refreshing aftertaste. It seems to go well with greasy meat dishes.

Seedscore "Homemade Pickles"
Juicy tomatoes

Seedscore "Homemade Pickles"
The cucumber is also crisp and fresh

It's hard to believe that both were made by myself! It's like pickles coming out at a cafe. I just smashed vinegar and vegetables and left them alone ...

Homemade pickles are 702 yen (tax included) per bottle. Is it a little expensive? I wonder if it can be used repeatedly about 3 times, so the cost performance is not bad. You can save yourself the trouble of preparing spices and weighing them, and I wonder if they will definitely play an active role on the day when you say "here!", Such as serving homemade dishes to your lover.

You can also give it to your gourmet friends, or bring it to a party with the vegetables pickled because the bottle is cute! This time, the author purchased it in Marunouchi Reading Style on the 4th floor of KITTE in Marunouchi, Tokyo, and it is also sold on the mail order site.