At each Linz Chocolat Cafe, the winter limited-time drink menu "Lindt Chocolat Speculaas Drink" will be released on December 1st. Limited time until February 19, 2015.

Warmth with spicy hot chocolate
Warmth with spicy hot chocolate

"Linz Chocolat Speculaas Drink" is a hot drink that blends five kinds of spices (cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg, ginger) used in the spicy cookie "Speculaas" with Linz's rich dark chocolate. You can enjoy a slightly spicy and spicy taste. The price is 1,234 yen for the Ginza store and 669 yen for other stores.

Speculoos is a traditional sweet that is eaten to celebrate the "Holiday of St. Nicholas" (December 6th) in the Flanders region, which straddles Belgium, the Netherlands and northern France. In recent years, it is eaten all year round, and in France and Belgium it is often served with coffee.

* All listed prices include tax