"Lindt Excellence 70% Dark Chocolate Drink" and "Lindt Excellence Orange Dark Chocolate Drink"
Which one do you care about?

"Lindt Excellence 70% Dark Chocolate Drink" and "Lindt Excellence Orange Dark Chocolate Drink" will be offered for a limited time from September 3rd to October 31st at each Linz Chocolat Cafe. It will end as soon as it runs out.

Introducing an iced drink where you can enjoy the taste of extra dark chocolate and the texture of chocolate chips blended with tablet chocolate "Excellence". The top is studded with soft, light dark chocolate mousse and crispy cocoa nibs.

Linz Excellence 70% Dark chocolate drink is blended with "Excellence 70% cacao" that has a good balance of acidity, bitterness and sweetness. The powerful scent of cacao spreads.

Linz Excellence Orange Dark chocolate drink is blended with "Excellence Orange Almond", which allows you to enjoy the texture of dried oranges and almonds. It seems to be a refreshing cup with an orange scent.

"Lindt Excellence 70% Dark Chocolate Drink" and "Lindt Excellence Orange Dark Chocolate Drink"
Ginza store is a glass

The price is 772 yen, and the glass specification Ginza store is 1,388 yen (tax included).