At each Lotteria store, "Hida Beef Hamburger Steak Burger" will be released on October 29th as a branded Wagyu beef burger in October. You can choose salad, potato M, or drink M as a set. Limited quantity, set price is 1,300 yen (tax included).

October is the "Hida Beef" burger
October is the "Hida Beef" burger

This menu is the 5th menu sold as "Brand Wagyu Burger on the 29th of every month". The protagonist patty uses coarsely ground meat of about 6 mm so that you can enjoy the richness of the marbled meat of "Hida beef", which is fine and soft and has a mesh-like texture. There are two types of sauces, "rich demiglace sauce" and "Hoba miso sauce", which is Hida's local dish, Hoba miso, with tianmian sauce, black pepper, red pepper, and chopped green onions. It is said that it has been combined and finished.