At each Lotteria store, a new autumn menu "Domestic 3 Kinds of Mushroom Thick Hamburger" will be released on September 25th. Limited time until late October. The single item price is 360 yen.

Mushroom crispy! Autumn limited time menu
Mushroom crispy! Autumn limited time menu

"Three kinds of domestically produced thick hamburger with mushrooms" is a hamburger made by combining "thick" grilled patty with onions that has condensed sweetness and umami, and demiglace sauce that is carefully simmered with tomato paste, beef bouillon, etc. .. Domestically produced eryngii, maitake mushrooms, and shimeji mushrooms are added to the sauce, and you can enjoy plenty of the umami ingredients of mushrooms.

In addition, "Three kinds of domestic mushroom thick hamburger cheese" (420 yen) with cheese on top of the patty and "Same egg" (440 yen) with soft-boiled egg will be released at the same time.

Best regards for cheese and eggs!
Best regards for cheese and eggs!

* All listed prices include tax