Shiseido Parlor Ginza Main Store "Flower-patterned Strawberry Bavarian Cream"
A modern arrangement of the popular menu "Bavarian"

Shiseido Parlor Ginza Main Store Salon de Cafe offers a reprint menu "Flower-patterned Strawberry Bavarian Cream" for a limited time until April 30th.

This is a dessert with a modern arrangement of the popular menu "Bavarian cream" that was sold in the past. When the "Toden 7000 series" that ran between Ginza and Nihonbashi from 1954 to 1967 retired in March 2017, there was a "Ginza 7-chome stop" in front of the Shiseido Parlor at that time, so "Goodbye 7000" It was made into a menu as "Shape Memorial".

Shiseido Parlor Ginza Main Store Ginza 7-chome Bus Stop
"Ginza 7-chome stop" in front of Shiseido Parlor (around 1957)

Strawberry bavarois according to a traditional recipe is accompanied by orange slice chips that look like tram wheels. In addition, it is decorated with strawberry and milk marble ice cream and strawberry and orange sauce. It looks gorgeous and is tailored like spring.

A cup of coffee or tea is included, and the price is 1,980 yen (tax included). In addition, the provision period and contents may change depending on the arrival status of fruits.