Pablo Premium Cafe "Freshly Baked Mini Cheese Tart Black Beans x Kinako"
Sprinkle with black honey sauce

At the premium cafe of PABLO, a store specializing in freshly baked cheese tart, the cafe menu "Freshly baked mini cheese tart black beans x kinako", which is limited to the New Year season, will be on sale from the first sale date of each store to January 9th, 2017. There is. The price is 1,000 yen (tax included).

A tart made by combining Kyokinako and Shiratama with cheese tart dough and topped with Tanba black beans and gold powder. It is served with salted milk ice cream, whose saltiness enhances its sweetness, and a mellow scented black honey sauce. The plate is decorated with pine needles, gold origami, and red origami, making it a New Year's menu.

Pablo Premium Cafe "Freshly Baked Mini Cheese Tart Black Beans x Kinako"
It seems to be New Year