Suntory Beverage & Food International "CC Lemon Gold Plus"
"Energy" at the end of the year

"CC Lemon Gold Plus" will be released by Suntory Beverage & Food International on December 6th exclusively for FamilyMart, Circle K, and Sunkus nationwide. Comes in a 600ml (20.29us fl oz) PET bottle, and the estimated price is 129 yen (excluding tax).

CC Lemon Gold Plus is a carbonated drink that makes you feel full of energy, perfect for the busy end of the year. In addition to "60 lemons" of vitamin C, it contains royal jelly extract.

If you buy two of these products at the store, you can get the "Matsuoka Shuzo 120% Serious Calendar" by Shuzo Matsuoka, the brand character of CC Lemon, from December 6th. According to the calendar, Mr. Matsuoka will send you energy with a "hot message" every month. Due to limited quantity, it will end as soon as it runs out.