Actual Tasting "Lipton Lemon Sparkle

Suntory Lipton L

emon Sparkle I found Lipton Lemon Sparkle, sold by Suntory, in a supermarket! I actually bought and drank it. The estimated price is 160 yen per bottle.


Lemon Sparkle "Lipton Lemon Sparkle" is a carbonated drink with a gorgeous aroma of black tea and a sweet but slightly carbonated, refreshing lemon flavor. It is said to have a refreshing taste that is perfect for summer.

The package depicts a cute white bear drinking lemon tea! Cool it thoroughly before serving.

Actual Tasting "Lipton Lemon Sparkle

The slightly carbonated drink pops on the tongue with a sizzling sensation! You can enjoy the fine and pleasant stimulation. It is sweet, but the combination of the carbonation, the flavor of the tea, and the lemon flavor gives it a refreshing aftertaste. Even those who do not usually drink sweet drinks can enjoy this refreshing drink.

Actual Tasting "Lipton Lemon Sparkle

Lipton Lemon Sparkle is perfect for refreshing on a hot day. You may pour it into a glass filled with ice and enjoy it cold! Please pick one up when you see it.