FamilyMart's "Pumpkin Baked Cake"

A new product "Pumpkin Baked Cake" was released on October 11th at each FamilyMart store (excluding some stores). The price is 238 yen (tax included).

FamilyMart's "Pumpkin Baked Cake"
Halloween illustration package

This product is a baked cake made from Hokkaido pumpkin. Tart dough is laid under the cake.

FamilyMart's "Pumpkin Baked Cake"
Pumpkin seeds in the center

FamilyMart's "Pumpkin Baked Cake"
Tart dough is laid underneath

Pumpkin baked cake is smooth and smooth. You can feel the rich sweetness of pumpkin.

The tart dough adds an accent with texture and fragrance, while increasing the volume. It is a perfect dish for autumn snacks of appetite.