Suntory Green tea Iemon BLACK

Suntory Green

Tea Iemon BLACK I actually bought and drank "Green Tea Iemon BLACK" sold by Suntory, which comes in a 600 ml PET bottle with an estimated price of 160 yen (excluding tax).

Green Tea Iemon


"Green Tea Iemon BLACK" uses 1.8 times more tea leaves than Iemon. The tea is brewed at a high temperature and for a long time, resulting in a flavor rich in caffeine and catechins. It is said to be a mezame green tea with a crisp, deep astringent taste.

Suntory Green tea Iemon BLACK

Is it quite bitter? I drank it thinking it would be quite bitter, but it was more refreshing and easier to drink than expected! It is mellow in the mouth and has a nice aroma!

After swallowing, a slight bitterness remains on the tongue, but it is not too bitter or astringent. I drank it at room temperature, but it looks delicious even if it is chilled. It is recommended as a morning drink or an after-lunch drink when you tend to feel a bit light-headed.

Suntory Green tea Iemon BLACK

What I personally found interesting was the rabbit and fortune print hidden on the back of the package. This kind of playful spirit is nice, isn't it?

Suntory Green tea Iemon BLACK

Green Tea Iemon BLACK" is a good choice when you want to refresh yourself. How about it for a change of pace?