Ninja Takoyaki Black Octopus
Takoyaki is pitch black!

"Ninja Takoyaki Black Octopus", which sells "Black Octopus", opened in front of the castle tower of Osaka Castle on October 1st.

The signboard menu is "Ninja Takoyaki Black Octopus", which is based on the image of "Ninja in the darkness". The squid ink is mixed with the soup stock "fluffy" dough and baked in black. The price is 600 yen for 6 pieces and 750 yen for 8 pieces, both including tax.

At the same time, drinks such as "Ninja Jaerre" will be sold in the ninja-specific kitchen car "Kurotakomaru".

Ninja specification kitchen car "Kurotakomaru"
"Black Takomaru" image

The store is located in the square in front of the castle tower of Osaka Castle, 1-1 Osaka Castle, Chuo-ku, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture. Business hours are from 10:00 to 17:00.