"Rumito Deliciously Burn. Dining", a bento specialty store using kangaroo meat, will open on December 16th. Until December 29, it will be open on the 1st floor of the Harajuku Tourist Information Center (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo).

You can eat kangaroo meat! (The image is "Rou Don")
You can eat kangaroo meat! (The image is "Rou Don")

The sales menu includes "Ru-don" (700 yen) with fillet entwined with sauce, "Ru-soboro-don" (600 yen) with soboro-flavored soboro, and "Miso-flavored" that is appetizing. "Rou steak miso" (single item 650 yen, with rice 800 yen), "Ru steak grated ponzu vinegar (single item 650 yen, with rice 800 yen). It is unfamiliar in Japan, but it is widely popular in Australia. It is said to be low-fat, high-protein and refreshing.

Steak can be purchased separately (image is "Rou Steak Miso")
Steak can be purchased separately (image is "Rou Steak Miso")

The sale place is "Character Crepe!", A character crepe shop on the 1st floor of the Harajuku Tourist Information Center. A regular crepe menu will also be on sale during the period.