Following the huge boom of cronuts, the development of evolutionary sweets continues in the world one after another. The challenger this time is "wonut" released by Waffles Cafe in the United States. Reported by US media Foodbeast.


Warnuts are hybrid sweets that are a combination of waffle and donut. The waffle dough, which is the cafe's signature menu, is poured onto an iron plate, baked to a “crispy outside, fluffy inside” texture, fried in oil like a donut, and topped with plenty of chocolate and marshmallows. It has been finished.

It's already a high-calorie dessert, but the cafe's official Facebook page says "Yes !!!", "I need this in my life", "I'm going to Chicago to eat this!" Excited comments have been received.

People who want to eat, one after another
People who want to eat, one after another

By the way, I like waffles and donuts, but why? I don't want to eat warnuts ... I don't think. The reason is probably due to the glossy fountain that has accumulated in the hollow part of the waffle.

A glossy calorie fountain, no, it looks delicious!
A glossy calorie fountain, no, it looks delicious!

* All images are from Waffles Cafe official Facebook