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Can you have a kitchen garden indoors? "Sodacha" that can hydroponically grow tomatoes and herbs with LED lights

A longed-for kitchen garden. You will love the vegetables that you grow by hand salting, and if you make them yourself, you don't have to worry about pesticides. It's all good, but it's difficult to secure such a space ...

But by all means, I want to grow a little vegetable or herb if it doesn't work! You may think that. Aside from single-family homes, do people living in condominiums have no choice? No, don't give up. There is a kit that allows you to grow vegetables at home, even if the balcony is not exposed to the sun or if there is no balcony!

The name of such a wonderful kit is the household LED hydroponic cultivation kit "Sodacha". That's right! What exactly is this? It is a set of cocochi vegetable garden and plant LED stand light, which is a cube-type hydroponic planter with a side of about 13.5 cm.

That's it ☆

…Yup? Hydroponics? The question mark comes to mind, but hydroponics is a cultivation method in which plants are grown in water without using soil. The liquid fertilizer, which contains the nutrients that plants need in water, is circulated by a pump to absorb it firmly from the roots. It is a kit that grows twice as fast as soil cultivation and can also be grown indoors using LEDs.

There are 4 types of petit tomato, basil, arugula, and oregano, and the LED can choose the color of the light bulb from 7 colors. It seems that red has different effects depending on the color, such as photosynthesis of plants and green controlling plant diseases. The price is 11,000 yen as a set.

I will grow up

In addition, this company is also selling a "summer vegetable cultivation set". It's already autumn, but it's perfect for you who say, "It doesn't matter what the season is! I want to eat freshly picked edamame and eggplant!" This is also an excellent product that can be cultivated indoors using LEDs.

It's fashionable to grow tomatoes and herbs at home ...! He invites his friends to his house, serves Italian home cooking, and makes a doy face asking, "What? This herb and tomato? What happened to the one I made?" Recommended for those who want to cook their own ocean tea.
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