Home   »   Food   »   Eel   »   "Gyoza Town" Utsunomiya regains the top spot for the first time in 3 years! Hamamatsu "If you're an eel, you won't lose ..."

"Gyoza Town" Utsunomiya regains the top spot for the first time in 3 years! Hamamatsu "If you're an eel, you won't lose ..."

A household survey by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications was announced on January 31, and Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture, known as the "Gyoza Town," topped the list of "2013 Gyoza Purchases per Household." For the first time in three years, he overtook his rival Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, and regained the number one spot in Japan.

This is Hamamatsu dumplings

The actual purchase price is ...

[Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications household survey results (Hamamatsu City total)]
1st place Utsunomiya City 4,919 yen
2nd place Hamamatsu City 4,155 yen
3rd place Kyoto City 2,874 yen

The difference between the two cities is only 764 yen. It's about 2 servings, which is quite a small difference. However, the difference with the 3rd place is clear. I'm really eating dumplings.

Hamamatsu City, which unfortunately missed the top spot for three consecutive years, said, "I think it was good that Utsunomiya City was ranked first as a sign that Utsunomiya citizens' consumption has been steadily recovering since the Great East Japan Earthquake." Mayor Yasutomo Suzuki also made a congratulatory comment.

By the way, according to the announcement by Hamamatsu City, items such as "eel kabayaki", "sozai material set" and "exercise equipment" were the largest expenditures in Japan.

Aside from eels and exercise equipment, what is the sozai material set ...? Do you insist there? After investigating, it seems that this item includes ingredients for dinner and ingredients for oden and hot pot dishes. Hamamatsu citizens may be efficiency-oriented.

That being said, let's hope that these two cities will continue to liven up the Japanese dumpling culture!
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