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Recipe] 3 scones! Rice cooker scones, Starbucks-style chocolate chunk scones, tofu scones...

Here are three recipes for scones that the En Eats editorial staff has actually made and found to be delicious.

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Starbucks-style Chocolate Chunk Scones

Crispy on the outside and moist on the inside! This is a recipe for Starbucks-style chocolate chunk scones that you can eat as a snack or for breakfast.

The surface is crispy and fragrant, while the inside is moist and chewy. The flavor of the wheat and the sweetness of the chocolate spread into an excellent scone. The best time to eat them is when they have cooled down a little and the surface has hardened, but the chocolate is still thick.

Tofu Scones

The main ingredients are just tofu and pancake mix. This recipe for Tofu Scones can be made with just two ingredients.

When you bite into one, the surface is crispy! The inside is soft and fluffy, with a savory dough flavor and a soft sweetness that fills your mouth. The inside is soft and fluffy, with a savory dough flavor and a soft sweetness that fills your mouth. It doesn't feel like soy, but it is moist and a little light. The chocolate in the dough melts into your mouth, giving it a smooth texture and a nice bittersweet accent.

Rice Cooker Scones

These scones are made with pancake mix and cooked in a rice cooker, so there is no need to make mistakes. Scones made in a rice cooker.

Freshly baked, they are crispy and fluffy. The outside is fragrant. The buttery flavor that spreads in your mouth as it sticks to your tongue is a nice touch! Covering with plastic wrap and refrigerating will make the dough crispy and moist.
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