Home   »   Tasting   »   Japanese tea / matcha   »   [Review] Kyoto Goguro's Goencha "Dedicate to your guess tea", "Always thank you tea", "Nantozo Nantozo tea", "Gogreeting tea", for unique small gifts

[Review] Kyoto Goguro's Goencha "Dedicate to your guess tea", "Always thank you tea", "Nantozo Nantozo tea", "Gogreeting tea", for unique small gifts

Tea shop "Kyoto Gyokuro no Goencha

There are times when you need to give a small gift to someone to say thank you, sorry, or good luck. The tea shop "Kyoto Gyokuro no Goencha" sells a unique tea that is perfect for such occasions.

The "Gogatsu-cha" is a tea in the form of a message card that delivers your feelings along with the tea. There are a wide variety of designs, including seasonal designs, joke designs that will make you laugh, and simple designs. The cute size is about 10cm x 7cm.

Comparison with iPhone 11 Pro

This time, I'd like to introduce four of them. The price is 324 yen each. The store is located in Kyoto, but you can also buy them from the web store.

Tea dedicated to your guess

This is one of the "Wotaneko-chan" series, a cat with a deep love for something that lives in Goencha Village. Wotaneko-chan's favorite tea changes depending on her guess at the time, and she has a habit of becoming talkative when talking about her guess. The best part is the "guess life" headband and the teacup with the word "precious" written on it.

There was also "I will support you with all my might tea," "I want to see my guess tea," "The swamp is deep tea," and "I will work for my guess tea. If you have a favorite, you may find yourself nodding your head and saying, "I get it! If you have a guess, you may find yourself nodding your head in agreement.

Inside the package is a single tea bag of high-grade gyokuro tea produced in Ujitawara, Kyoto. The tea leaves are packed in a three-dimensional triangular pyramid-shaped tea bag that dances during brewing to bring out the best flavor. The tea leaves are filled in a three-dimensional triangular pyramidal tea bag, which dances during brewing to bring out the best flavor. It is delicious with a refreshing aroma and a hint of sweetness.

Always Thank You Tea

For those times when you want to express your gratitude, which is usually difficult to say, with a gorgeous Japanese pattern. The package is made of soft textured Japanese paper. The package is made of soft textured Japanese paper, and can be given by itself or as a gift. There is one Gyokuro tea bag inside.


For when you want to say, "I look forward to working with you. The gentle smile of the Jizo will soothe your heart. If you are given this, you may accept even a little unreasonable request. There is one gyokuro tea bag inside.

Health First Tea (Shiba Inu-san)

This is a design of Shiba Inu-san, whose trademark is a teacup and furoshiki. He looks cute wearing a helmet with the words "Health First" written on it. It's a message you want to send to your loved ones and to yourself.

The contents of this package are one tea bag of Genmaicha tea produced in Ujitawara, Kyoto. You can enjoy the unique aroma and comforting taste of genmaicha.

There are many different types of "Gogatsucha" packages, so you can find the message you want to convey and the design you like. You can also enjoy the time you spend thinking about which one to give to your friend.

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