Home   »   Recipe   »   Recipe   »   Easy recipe for tofu marinated in olive oil! Just marinate tofu overnight for a snack that goes down a treat - you'll be hooked on its chunky, smooth texture!

Easy recipe for tofu marinated in olive oil! Just marinate tofu overnight for a snack that goes down a treat - you'll be hooked on its chunky, smooth texture!

Easy to soak! Marinated Tofu in Olive Oil

Just drain and cut tofu and marinate in olive oil. You will be addicted to the smooth texture like cheese. And a great accompaniment to wine!

Material ( Serves 2 to 3 )
firm tofu 300g (10.58oz)
salt (i.e. sodium chloride) 1 teaspoon
perilla two sheets (pieces) (of paper)
olive oil 1 cup

Here is a recipe for "Tofu in Olive Oil" to enjoy tofu in a Western style. It has a texture like chunky cheese, but with the savory flavor of beans, and you can enjoy a new kind of deliciousness! It's also a great accompaniment to alcoholic beverages!

Tofu in Olive Oil


Here is what you need to prepare. (This recipe is based on the recipe of the Co-op Pal System.

300 g cotton (momen) tofu
1 teaspoon salt
2 shiso leaves
1 cup olive oil


Wrap tofu in kitchen paper and weigh it down with a plate or something and let it drain for 3 hours.

Cut drained tofu into dice. Finely chop the shiso leaves.

Mix olive oil and salt in a clean storage container and add the cut tofu. Add the chopped shiso leaves, mix lightly, let marinate overnight, and voila!

How does tofu in olive oil taste?

Delicious - like a cheese hors d'oeuvre! Tofu coated with oil has a sticky, chunky, and smooth texture, and the flavor of the soybeans and the fresh aroma of the olives intertwine perfectly. The slight saltiness adds a nice accent. A stylish Western-style snack that is also a perfect accompaniment to wine!

You can also marinate tofu with a teaspoon of wasabi dissolved in oil along with salt. It will give it a tangy and stimulating taste for adults.

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