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Let's get hooked on the simple recipe "Hanpen cheese Isobe-yaki"! Sweet and salty and fluffy

Hanpen cheese Isobe-yaki

Introducing the recipe for "Hanpen Cheese Isobe-yaki" that you can easily make. The fluffy and melty mouthfeel and sweetness are addictive.

Material ( For 1 person ) Cooking time 10 minutes
Hanpen 1 sheet
Melting cheese Appropriate amount
Seaweed 2 sheets
Sesame oil Appropriate amount
soy sauce 2 tablespoons
sugar 1 tablespoon

"Hanpen" is cheap, has a lot of volume, and is useful in various dishes. Introducing the recipe for "Hanpen Cheese Isobe-yaki" that you can easily make in about 10 minutes.

1 hanpen, melted cheese, 2 tablespoons of glue, sesame oil, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce
1 tablespoon sugar

[How to make]
1. 1. Cut the hanpen in half diagonally and make a notch inside each to make a pocket

2. Fill the notched part with melted cheese

3. 3. Wrap the glue on the hanpen

Four. Mix soy sauce and sugar

Five. Add sesame oil to a frying pan and bake the hanpen.

6. When both sides are browned, add (4) and entangle the whole to complete.

Cheese melts from the inside when you bite the freshly made hot hanpen. The fluffy and gentle mouthfeel is entwined with smooth cheese, and you can't help but smile. After the sweet and salty taste, the scent of rocky shore is faint. If you like, sprinkle with shichimi pepper to add an accent, so it is recommended.

I've only eaten mochi Isobe-yaki until now, but the hanpen is also insanely delicious! It's perfect for side dishes as well as snacks.
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