Sushiro Salmon Eating Comparison

Sushiro Salmon Eating Comparison

We compared the "Salmon" menu items offered at Sushiro. The three types we tried were the Seared Salmon Basil Cheese, Salmon Avocado, and Salmon Basil Mozzarella.


Salmon Bas

il Cheese This menu item combines salmon, cheese, and basil mayo sauce. Priced at 150 yen (tax included, same below. Prices vary by store).

Sushiro "Seared Salmon Basil Cheese

The melt-in-your-mouth, fatty salmon is lightly seared over a burner and goes well with the cheese and basil mayo sauce! The flavor of the salmon and the mildness and richness of the mayo go well together. This dish is sure to be popular with children!

Salmon Avocado

A combination of salmon, avocado, onion and mayo. Price: 210 yen.

Sushiro "Salmon Avocado

Yamamori onions and plenty of mayo! Because of the amount of onions, the salmon and avocado are slightly overpowered by the spiciness of the onions. However, the aftertaste is refreshing, so it may be recommended as a chopstick rest.

Sushiro "Salmon Avocado

Salmon Basil Mozzarella

Salmon, basil sauce, and mozzarella are combined in this dish. The price is 210 yen.

Sushiro "Salmon Basil Mozzarella

The fresh basil flavor adds to the deliciousness of the salmon! The mozzarella adds a sticky texture and mildness to the salmon, adding depth to the texture and flavor. This is so delicious!

Sushiro "Salmon Basil Mozzarella

Sushiro's three salmon-based menu items. The author recommends the Salmon Basil Mozzarella! There are other salmon sushi available, so be sure to try the ones you are interested in!