Glico "Cream Cologne [Otona no Sakura Maccha]".

Glico Cream Cologne [Otona no Sakura Maccha]

I actually bought and tried "Cream Cologne [Otona no Sakura Maccha]" sold by Glico. The price is 155 yen (including tax).

Cream Cologne


no Sakura Matcha] "Cream Cologne [Otona no Sakura Matcha]" is a petite sweet perfect for adults to refresh and heal, with plenty of soft and gently sweet cream. The cream is made with Japanese cherry blossoms and wrapped in a bitter green powdered tea waffle. Made with domestic cherry blossoms and Nishio matcha green tea.

Glico "Cream Cologne [Otona no Sakura Maccha]".
Cream cologne [Onna-no-Sakura-Matcha].

Glico "Cream Cologne [Otona no Sakura Maccha]".

The matcha waffle is crispy and crunchy. When you bite into it, it cracks open and the aroma of matcha green tea spreads softly. The waffle is then filled with a mild cream filling. Combined with the matcha waffle, it gives the waffle a Japanese confectionary-like flavor. The difference in texture between the crunchy waffle and the fluffy cream is also unique!

Glico "Cream Cologne [Otona no Sakura Maccha]".

Glico "Cream Cologne [Otona no Sakura Maccha]".

The "Cream Cologne [Onna-no-Sakura Matcha]" will bring spring to your mouth one step ahead of the others. Matcha and sakura flavor lovers should check it out.