Ministop "Toyonoka Condensed Milk Strawberry Parfait

Ministop "TOYONOKA Nerated Milk Strawberry Parfait" and "Tokumori St

rawberry Parfait" will go on sale at Ministop on January 6 (Fri.) as the first parfaits of 2023.

TOYONOCA Condensed Milk


Parfait The TOYONOCA Condensed Milk Strawberry Parfait, a standard fruit parfait product, is a fresh and satisfying parfait that uses 100% TOYONOCA strawberries in the pulp and sauce. The sauce is also made with Toyonoka strawberries for a smooth and colorful finish. Topped with condensed milk, which goes well with strawberries, it is a classic parfait that everyone loves.

Ministop "Toyonoka Condensed Milk Strawberry Parfait

The price is 421.20 yen (tax included). The calorie count is 179 kcal.


Strawberry Parfait "Tokumori Strawberry Parfait" is a luxurious parfait containing twice as much fruit pulp as the strawberry parfait. The price is 635.04 yen (tax included). Calories are 265 kcal.

Ministop "Dekasori Strawberry Parfait".

Prices are shown at the reduced tax rate of 8%, which applies to take-out. The standard tax rate of 10% applies when eating or drinking at the eat-in space.
When purchased as a single item, the price is rounded down to the nearest whole number.