Ministop "Toyonoka Condensed Milk Strawberry Parfait"

"Toyonoka Condensed Milk Strawberry Parfait" is now available at each Ministop store. It will be on sale from December 11th.

"Toyonoka Condensed Milk Strawberry Parfait" is a parfait that uses 100% "Toyonoka" strawberries for both pulp and sauce. It is combined with Ministop's classic soft serve vanilla. The price is 375 yen (tax included).

I tried to eat

Ministop "Toyonoka Condensed Milk Strawberry Parfait"

Unheated strawberries are used for the strawberry flesh and the strawberry sauce, which is made by finely grinding the flesh with a mixer. You can enjoy the fresh texture and flavor luxuriously.

Ministop "Toyonoka Condensed Milk Strawberry Parfait"

Strawberries and soft serve ice cream alone are the best, but you can also add condensed milk. The gorgeous sweet and sour taste of strawberries and the richness of rich condensed milk create a gorgeous harmony. No matter how much you eat, you won't get tired of it!

Ministop "Toyonoka Condensed Milk Strawberry Parfait"

In addition, the bottom of the cup also contains pulp and sauce. After eating all the toppings and simply enjoying the soft serve ice cream, I'm glad that the strawberries will appear again toward the end.

Ministop "Toyonoka Condensed Milk Strawberry Parfait"
It contains not only the sauce but also the pulp!

It's been a cold season, but the parfait you eat in a warm room is also exceptional. How about a little luxury snack on weekday nights and holidays?