New Poppin' Cookin' Chocolate Fondue Party

Poppin' Cookin' Choco Fondue Party" and "Poppin' Cookin' Tsukurou! Obento" will go on sale on September 5. The release date is September 5.

Poppin' Cookin' Choco Fondue Party

Poppin' Cookin' Choco Fondue Party" is a snack that lets you experience chocolate fondue. You can make strawberry jelly, bananas, and petit cakes with flour and water, and enjoy chocolate fondue by dipping your favorite ingredients in microwaved chocolate sauce and strawberry chocolate sauce.

New Poppin' Cookin' Chocolate Fondue Party

Poppin' Cookin' Let's make it! Let's make a lunch box!

Poppin' Cookin' Tsukurou! Obento" can be made with only flour and water to make realistic looking bento snacks. There are seven types of bento snacks you can make: broccoli, tamagoyaki, tako-inners, karaage, neapolitan, onigiri, and panda onigiri. When the ingredients are ready, place them on the bento sheet to complete the dish.

Poppin' Cookin' New "Poppin' Cookin' Tsukurou! Let's make a bento!

The two new products in the Poppin' Cookin' series can be made to look just like the real thing. Pick them up when you see them.