Fujiya "Pop Candy (Miyazaki Hyuganatsu) Bag" and "Palletier (Hyuganatsu Cheesecake)


CANDY (Miyazaki Hyuganatsu) BAG"

and "PARETTIER (Hyuganatsu Cheesecake)" from Fujiya "POP CANDY (Miyazaki Hyuganatsu) BAG" and "PARETTIER (Hyuganatsu Cheesecake)" will be released by Fujiya on May 23, 2012. The new products were jointly developed by JA Zen-Noh and Fujiya as part of the first phase of the Nippon Ale Project, an initiative promoted by the National Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Associations (hereafter JA Zen-Noh) to support domestic agriculture.

Pop Candy (Miyazaki Hyuganatsu) bag

Fujiya "Pop Candy (Miyazaki Hyuganatsu) bag".

Hyuganatsu, a citrus fruit originating from Miyazaki Prefecture, is characterized by its fresh, crisp aroma and sweet-sour taste. Pop Candy (Miyazaki Hyuganatsu) Bag" is a refreshing summer candy with a fruity flavor made from the juice of Miyazaki Hyuganatsu. Containing green tea polyphenols and using paper sticks, the seven-packs are available at an open price.


(Hyuganatsu Cheesecake

Fujiya "Palletier (Hyuganatsu Cheesecake)

Pallettier (Hyuganatsu Cheesecake)" is a cookie that resembles a petite tart, combining a moist dough made of Hyuganatsu peel, cream cheese, and cream cheese chips from Miyazaki Prefecture with a savory, crispy dough. You can enjoy the freshness of hyuganatsu and the richness of creamy cheese. The cookies come in packs of 8 individually wrapped cookies and are open to the public.

The "Pallettier (Berry Berry Berry)," which was popular last year (2022), will also be re-released with a new look starting May 23.

Pallettier (berry berry


Fujiya "Palletier (berry berry berry)

Pallettier (berry berry berry)" is a moist cookie with the sweetness of strawberries, cranberries, and blueberries. They come in packs of 8 individually wrapped cookies and are open to the public.