LAWSON STORE100 "Chicken Nugget Lunchbox

LAWSON STORE100 will sell "Chicken Nugget Bento", the fifth in the "Only Bento" series, which has only one side dish. It will go on sale on August 24. The price is 216 yen (tax included).

This ultra-simple bento series dares to overturn the conventional wisdom that a bento should contain a variety of colorful side dishes, and instead focuses on a single side dish to meet the needs of those who want to enjoy only their favorite foods. The first bento, "Sausage Bento," with only five sausages as a side dish, was a "This is how it's supposed to be! My childhood dream came true! The "Sausage Bento" was a big hit, receiving a lot of positive feedback on social networking sites.

Subsequent "Meatball Bento," "Nori Isobe-age Bento," and "Shiromi Furai Bento" have also steadily gained fans. All bento are priced at 216 yen, including tax, in the hope that they can be freely combined with noodles, side dishes, salads, and a variety of other ingredients for just one coin.

Chicken Nugget Bento

The sauce on the chicken nuggets is the key point. During the development stage, we tried to combine it with barbecue sauce, honey mustard sauce, aurora sauce, and other sauces through trial and error. Finally, we went back to the basics, saying "Ketchup is probably what mothers put on their nuggets when they put them in their lunch boxes.