Recipe for "Simmered Eggplant and Dried Bean Curd"!
Simply fry the eggplant in a frying pan, marinate in a broth made from a combination of white soup stock and mirin (sweet sake), and let cool. The sizzling, flavorful, tender eggplant is a must-try!
Material ( For 2 persons )
make two (long cylindrical things)
ginger (Zingiber officinale) a dart
water (esp. cool, fresh water, e.g. drinking water) 1 cup (200cc)
soup made with white miso paste 2 to 3 tablespoons
mirin 2 tablespoons
oil proper quantity
Simmered Eggplant with Dried Bean Curd Recipe

Here is a recipe for "Nigiri-no-Sushi (Eggplant and White Dashi broth). After cooking quickly, cool in the refrigerator to blend the flavors and tighten up the dish! A simple side dish perfect for the hot season.

Simmered and Steamed Eggplant with White Broth Recipe


Here is what you need to prepare.

2 eggplants
A sprig of ginger
1 cup (200cc) water
2 to 3 tablespoons white soup stock
2 tablespoons mirin (sweet cooking rice wine)
oil to taste


Wash eggplant, remove stems, and peel 3 or 4 lengthwise. Cut into bite-size pieces and pat dry with kitchen paper.

Reference link】How to prepare eggplant

Simmered Eggplant with Dried Bean Curd Recipe

Peel and shred the ginger.

Simmered Eggplant with Dried Bean Curd Recipe

Heat slightly more oil in a frying pan and deep-fry eggplant.

Simmered Eggplant with Dried Bean Curd Recipe

When the eggplant is browned, take it out and wipe off any oil remaining in the pan. Add water, white soup stock, mirin, ginger, and the fried eggplant and bring to a boil.

Simmered Eggplant with Dried Bean Curd Recipe

Simmer gently and when the liquid has reduced a little, turn off the heat and remove from heat.

Simmered Eggplant with Dried Bean Curd Recipe

Put it in Tupperware and refrigerate until ready to serve!

Simmered Eggplant with Dried Bean Curd Recipe

How does the soaked eggplant in white broth taste?

The soft eggplant melts in your mouth after a soft chew! It soaks up so much flavor and tastes so good! The umami of the chilled white broth brings the whole flavor together, and the refreshing flavor of the ginger adds a nice accent.

Simmered Eggplant with Dried Bean Curd Recipe

This white dashi has a hearty flavor that is ideal for soups and simmered dishes, but in the hot season, we recommend eating it cold! It can be cooked and chilled quickly, so the procedure is simple and error-free. If you have eggplant and ginger, give it a try!