5 Recommended Ethnic Recipes

For those who have eaten a lot of New Year's dishes and New Year's dishes and are getting tired of Japanese food. Why don't you give the table a new breeze with a slightly punchy ethnic menu? Here are 5 easy-to-make Asian-ethnic recipes!

1. [Recipe] "Ethnic stir-fried peppers and paprika" --Nampula scented addictive dish

Click here for detailed recipe → Ethnic stir-fried peppers and paprika

Ethnic stir-fried peppers and paprika

Stir-fry peppers, paprika, and chicken thighs, and season with salt and pepper, sake, and the ethnic special seasoning "Nampula." It's easy to cook with a frying pan, but the fluffy scented nam pla and the refreshing taste are irresistible! You can add nuts to the accent.

2. [Recipe] Even during sugar restriction! "Ethnic style pork shabu-shabu salad" is easy and delicious!

Click here for detailed recipe → Ethnic style pork shabu-shabu salad

Ethnic style pork shabu-shabu salad

Ethnic arrangement of "pork shabu-shabu" eaten with ponzu and sesame sauce! Simply sprinkle the boiled vegetables and pork with a sauce of lemon juice, nam pla, vinegar, and flaxseed oil. It is refreshingly eaten with the flavor of nam pla and the acidity of lemon, but has a mild aftertaste compared to ponzu. By all means for the menu on the day when you want to make it a little healthy.

3. Easy recipe for Khao Man Gai with a rice cooker! Just add rice and chicken and leave it alone, but it's super delicious

Click here for detailed recipe → Khao Man Gai with rice cooker

Easy Khao Man Gai recipe with rice cooker

Simply put rice, chicken, green onions, and seasonings such as ginger and chicken soup in a rice cooker and cook. The rice contains a lot of chicken stock and is delicious, and the chicken is also plump and juicy. Add ginger, garlic, and sauce finished with oyster sauce for a more punchy and serious taste. It's really delicious, so it's recommended for Thai food lovers.

4. "Lemon rice" is the best match for cold beer! Spicy with grain mustard

Click here for detailed recipe → Lemon rice

Lemon rice recipe

Lemon rice with mixed nuts mixed with turmeric and grain mustard, and the rice fried together is quickly finished with lemon juice. Top with onions and cilantro and you're done. The spicy flavor like curry, the refreshing spiciness of grain mustard, and the acidity of lemon go well together and are delicious! Beer goes on with a little junky seasoning. With an appetizing scent, you can enjoy it not only in summer but also in winter!

5. Egg Toro-ri A simple recipe for "Ooba Gapao Rice"! A volume bowl with Japanese-style seasoning

Click here for detailed recipe → Ooba Gapao Rice

Perilla Gapao Rice

A dish that is fried with minced chicken paprika and perilla and served on rice. Finish with a soft-boiled egg. The recipe I'm introducing is Japanese-style Gapao rice, so if you change the perilla to coriander and add nam pla, you'll get a more ethnic taste!