Like Potato Salad? Okara Tuna Mayo Salad Recipe!
Okara Tuna Mayonnaise Salad is a simple recipe using okara and canned tuna. It tastes like potato salad without the weight.
Material ( Easy-to-make portions )
bean curd lees 200g (7.05oz)
tuna (usu. refers to canned tuna) 1 can
cucumber one (object)
onion (edible plant, Allium cepa) 1/2 piece
mayonnaise 4-6 tablespoons
soy sauce 1 teaspoon
katsuobushi 2.5g (0.18oz)
salt and pepper proper quantity
okara salad with tuna and mayo

Okara Tuna Mayonnaise Salad is a simple recipe using okara and canned tuna. It tastes like potato salad without the weight.

Okara Tuna Mayonnaise Salad

Ingredients (easy to make portions)

200 g okara (bean curd)
1 can tuna
1 cucumber
1/2 onion
4 to 6 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 tsp soy sauce
2.5 g bonito flakes
Salt and pepper to taste


Slice cucumber diagonally into thin slices. Split onion in half lengthwise, cut into thin slices, and soak in water to remove the pungency (fresh onion can be left as is).

okara salad with tuna and mayo

Combine cucumber and drained onion in a bowl, add okara, canned tuna (with oil), bonito flakes and soy sauce.

okara salad with tuna and mayo

Once mixed, add mayonnaise and mix again. Finish with salt and pepper to taste.

okara salad with tuna and mayo

How does okara tuna mayo salad taste?

okara salad with tuna and mayo

The texture of moist and fluffy okara, crispy and juicy cucumbers and onions. You can enjoy the flavorful taste of the richness of okara added to the umami of the tuna mayo. It is like a potato salad without the weight. Less mayonnaise makes it light, more mayonnaise makes it thick and creamy, so taste and adjust to your liking.