Our "Mugen Cabbage" recipe! Just lentil and mix with seasonings!
This is a recipe for "Mugen Cabbage," a dish that will make you eat cabbage in abundance. All you have to do is to mix chopped cabbage with seasonings.
Material ( Serves 2 to 3 )
cabbage 1/4 of a piece
canned tuna 1 can
chicken soup stock 1 teaspoon
sesame oil 1 tablespoon
cottonseed oil 1 tablespoon
My Infinity Cabbage Recipe

Here is our recipe for "Mugen Cabbage," a dish that will make you eat cabbage in abundance. All you have to do is microwave and mix. You can eat it freshly made right away, or let it cool down before eating!

Our "Mugen Cabbage


Here is what you need

1/4 cabbage
1 can tuna
1 teaspoon chicken broth
1 tablespoon sesame oil
1 tablespoon mentsuyu


Wash cabbage and cut into bite-size pieces. You can cut it into julienne, thin strips, or chunks.

My Infinity Cabbage Recipe

Place cabbage in a heatproof bowl and microwave (500W) for 5 minutes.

My Infinity Cabbage Recipe

If it is so moist that it drips, drain lightly once in a colander. Be careful because it is very hot.

My Infinity Cabbage Recipe

Return the cabbage to the bowl and add the lightly drained tuna, chicken broth, sesame oil, and mentsuyu.

My Infinity Cabbage Recipe

My Infinity Cabbage Recipe

Serve in a bowl and it is ready to eat. Sprinkle with bonito flakes or sesame seeds, if desired.

My Infinity Cabbage Recipe

How does it taste?

The savory sesame oil and the umami from the tuna & chicken broth are exquisite! Yum~y! The more you bite into the cabbage, the sweeter it gets. The sauce that complements it is perfect!

My Infinity Cabbage Recipe

Let us just say that the chopsticks really don't stop and that you can eat endlessly. This is a delightful menu where you can eat a lot of cabbage, and it is both delicious and healthy. However, it makes me eat more and more white rice, so dieters should be careful not to eat too much!