Katsuya To go "Fried from 1 kg"

At Katsuya's To go "Katsuben" menu store, "Katsuya Karaage", which contains about 18 pieces of fried chicken, will be on sale. Limited time offer from January 20th.

In recent years, there is an increasing demand for To go meals that can be eaten at home in order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection. At Katsuya, the "Katsuben" menu, which is full of prepared foods depending on the location such as a residential area, is sold only at some stores.

"Karaage" of the valve

Katsuben's "Karaage" is 150 yen per pack (162 yen including tax) with 2 chicken fried chicken. It is gaining popularity due to its convenient quantity and reasonable price.

Deep-fried from 1 kg

This time, a large-capacity, 1 kg (about 18 pieces) "fried chicken from 1 kg" has appeared. The price is 1,000 yen (1,080 yen including tax). Discount coupons cannot be used together because the price is cheaper than a pack of two.

Katsuya To go "Fried from 1 kg"

Sales overview

Stores: Domestic "Katsuya" "Katsuben" menu handling stores Sales hours: Business hours of each store

* Ends as soon as the stock runs out * Prices may vary depending on the store