Katsuobushi simple recipe summary

We have compiled a simple recipe for making 1 kind of vegetables + dried bonito flakes. Introducing 3 items such as "Chinese cabbage bonito flakes" that the chopsticks do not stop.

Chinese cabbage with dried bonito flakes

You can eat Chinese cabbage endlessly ...! This is a recipe for "Chinese cabbage with dried bonito", which is a combination of Chinese cabbage and dried bonito. The sweetness of sugar, the umami of dashi stock, and the aroma of sesame are added to the light Chinese cabbage.

Katsuobushi simple recipe summary

]] Click here for detailed recipe " Chinese cabbage with dried bonito flakes "

Chinese cabbage mayopon salad

"Chinese cabbage mayonnaise salad" recipe with Chinese cabbage mixed with mayonnaise and ponzu sauce. The creamy richness of mayonnaise wraps the crispy texture and refreshing sweetness of Chinese cabbage. Ponzu adds a slight acidity, and dried bonito adds flavor and umami. The result is a clean yet deep taste.

Katsuobushi simple recipe summary

]] Click here for detailed recipe " Chinese cabbage mayopon salad "

Broccoli with dried bonito and mayonnaise

A simple recipe for broccoli with dried bonito and mayonnaise, "Broccoli with dried bonito and mayonnaise". The random taste of broccoli with a complex shape and sauce is attractive.

Katsuobushi simple recipe summary

]] Click here for detailed recipe " Broccoli with dried bonito mayonnaise "