Better than potato salad! Yam mashed salad
Recipe for "yam bacon mashed salad" with a moist, smooth and creamy texture. It is lighter than potatoes. It is also recommended as an accompaniment to dishes.
Material ( Serves 3-4 people )
Chinese yam (Dioscorea batatas) 300g (10.58oz)
bacon 40g (1.41oz)
mayonnaise 2 tablespoons
salt and pepper proper quantity
Mashed yam salad

Recipe for "yam mashed salad" with a moist, smooth and creamy texture. It is lighter than potatoes. It is also recommended as an accompaniment to dishes.

Mashed yam salad

Ingredients (3-4 servings)

300g (10.58oz) yam
40 g bacon
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
Salt and pepper to taste


Peel and split yams in half lengthwise, and slice into half-moon slices about 5 mm in diameter. Cut bacon into strips.

Mashed yam salad

Place yams in a heatproof container and top with bacon.

Mashed yam salad

Cover with fluffy plastic wrap and cook at 600W for 6 minutes.

Mashed yam salad

After cooking, remove the plastic wrap and mash the yam with a fork before it cools. If the yams are too hard, add more heat.

Mashed yam salad

Remove from heat, dress with mayonnaise and season with salt and pepper to taste. Can be eaten slightly warm or chilled in the refrigerator.

Mashed yam salad

Mashed yam salad

How does yam mashed salad taste?

The texture is moist, smooth, and creamy, like mashed potatoes with cream? So elegant you'd think! They are clean and easy to eat, without the dusty, stuffy feeling of potatoes.

Mashed yam salad

Cooked yams can be easily mashed, so they can be made creamy or left slightly mashed to retain their crispy texture. If you're looking for an easy and delicious way to eat yams, this recipe is for you!