Easy for everyone! Impressive soft and fluffy scrambled eggs
You can make amazingly fluffy scrambled eggs with the usual ingredients and kitchen tools. The key is to mix and let stand for 15 minutes.
Material ( For 2 persons )
egg two (objects)
(cow's) milk 2 tablespoons
salt (i.e. sodium chloride) 2 pinches
butter 10g (0.35oz)
Soft and fluffy scrambled eggs

Scrambled eggs, a breakfast staple, are all about texture. Here is a secret technique that makes it easy for anyone to make them soft and fluffy.

Secret technique for making soft and fluffy scrambled eggs Recipe


2 eggs
2 tablespoons milk
2 pinches salt
10 g butter


In a bowl, combine eggs, milk and salt.

Soft and fluffy scrambled eggs

Mix well with a whisk until evenly combined, about 1 minute.

Soft and fluffy scrambled eggs

Once mixed, let stand for 15 minutes. This is important! I will explain why later.

Soft and fluffy scrambled eggs
Leave for 15 minutes Color will darken slightly

Drop the butter into the frying pan and melt over low heat, spreading it throughout.

Soft and fluffy scrambled eggs

Pour the contents of the bowl and heat over low heat. When the edges harden, scrape them off with a spatula, and repeat constantly, so that large lumps do not form.

Soft and fluffy scrambled eggs

Soft and fluffy scrambled eggs

When it is almost done, turn off the heat. Turn off the heat when it is almost done, and roughly combine the bowls into one and transfer to a plate. The dish is now finished.

Soft and fluffy scrambled eggs

Soft and fluffy scrambled eggs
Sprinkle with parsley, etc., to taste.

How does it taste?

It tastes just like hotel scrambled eggs. Of course, there are hard and soft parts, but the texture is pleasant without being overly elastic or watery. It has a well-proportioned and delicious taste, just like a sweet.

Soft and fluffy scrambled eggs

The secret is to let it stand for 15 minutes. What happens in this 15 minutes is that the salt dissolves and spreads throughout the egg.

scrambled eggs
What in the world is left unattended for 15 minutes?

In fact, salt has the effect of weakening the attraction between the proteins contained in the egg yolk. If the attraction between the egg proteins is too strong, water will be drawn out of the yolk when it is heated, causing it to become hard, but if salt is used to soften it, the result will be soft and moist.

You may have seen scrambled eggs or omelets with water flowing out after a little while on the plate, and this is the result of the water being expelled. This phenomenon occurs when salt is added and heated immediately or when salt is sprinkled at the finish, but it can be controlled by adding salt and letting it sit for 15 minutes before baking.

Soft and fluffy scrambled eggs

Another key point is that the yolk and white are separated by mixing them thoroughly so that the richness of the yolk can permeate throughout the dish. It takes some time and effort to make this dish, such as using a whisk instead of chopsticks, waiting 15 minutes, and cooking it slowly, but no special ingredients or equipment are needed. Try it on a holiday morning when you have time.