Meat Hanamasa Green Curry

Discover "Green Curry Roux" at Hanamasa, a supermarket. I had the impression that many green curries were imported pastes, and I felt that the familiar solid roux was rare, so I tried it.

Meat Hanamasa Green Curry Roux

The official name is "green curry made by a butcher". The price was 178 yen (excluding tax) for 6 dishes per box.

Meat Hanamasa Green Curry

Meat Hanamasa Green Curry

After all, it's easy to make it with the same procedure as making curry. It's nice to be able to make it with milk because it contains coconut powder and you don't need coconut milk. Easy to understand how to make the back of the package! (Imported recipes tend to be in the local language, or even if translated, they tend to be rough)

Meat Hanamasa Green Curry

Fry the ingredients (chicken, eggplant, peppers this time) in a pan, add water and simmer for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat, add the roux and melt, then add the milk and let it boil for a while. Since it doesn't use fire for a long time, cooking is not difficult even in the hot season.

Meat Hanamasa Green Curry
Stir fry

Meat Hanamasa Green Curry

Meat Hanamasa Green Curry
Melt the roux,

Meat Hanamasa Green Curry
Add milk and boil to complete

What is its taste?

The refreshing spiciness and mellow sweetness are just green curry. I was honestly skeptical from the image of solid roux = Japanese curry, but it is a green curry properly. The scent is also good!

Meat Hanamasa Green Curry

The combination of numbing spiciness and rich spice flavor makes it look like it would come out in an ethnic restaurant. The thick eggplant and plump chicken also go well with the curry.

Meat Hanamasa Green Curry

I'm glad that you can make it cheaply for less than 200 yen per meal, including ingredients and rice. Stock is recommended if you like green curry!