Shibaima Honpo "Sasa-dango style sponge cake

Shibaima Honpo "Sasa-dango style sponge cake

Sasa-dango" is one of Niigata's specialties. It is a Japanese confectionery made by wrapping a bean-filled mugwort dumpling in a bamboo grass leaf.

Sasa-dango style castella, a unique arrangement of sasa-dango, is now available from Shibaima Honpo, a castella specialty store in Niigata. It is available at "Sennen Koujiya" in Ginza Six, Tokyo, and costs 972 yen (tax included).

Shibaima Honpo "Sasa-dango style sponge cake

The package is uniquely designed to resemble a bamboo grass leaf. On the back, a cute panda explains how to eat it. Inside the box are two small bags of bean paste, separate from the sponge cake.

Shibaima Honpo "Sasa-dango style sponge cake

The sponge cake is pre-cut, and the green color of the yomogi is bright to the eye. The soft dough sinks softly when you sink your teeth into it, and you first feel the mild sweetness of eggs and honey. Gradually, the refreshing flavor of yomogi spreads out. The aroma of the bamboo grass leaves used in the dumpling is similar to that of the bamboo grass dumplings.

Shibaima Honpo "Sasa-dango style sponge cake

Shibaima Honpo "Sasa-dango style sponge cake

The silky red bean paste has a rich azuki bean flavor. By topping it with any amount you like, you can enjoy a slightly strange taste: the texture is like sponge cake, but the taste is like bamboo grass dumplings. You can also enjoy the luxurious taste of a sponge cake sandwich with red bean paste in between. The overall sweetness of the sponge cake makes it perfect for eating with a cup of refreshing green tea.

Shibaima Honpo "Sasa-dango style sponge cake

Shibaima Honpo "Sasa-dango style sponge cake

The "Sasayakana Gift" from Niigata is a fusion of two types of confectionery. Why not include it in your list of unique souvenirs?

Shibaima Honpo "Sasa-dango style sponge cake