Lawson "Tapioca Mango Jasmine Tea" also reduces calories

"Tapioca Mango Jasmine Tea" is now on sale from Lawson's Uchi Cafe. A tapioca drink that is perfect for the hot season after the rainy season.

Lawson "Tapioca Mango Jasmine Tea" also reduces calories
"Tapioca Mango Jasmine Tea" is now on sale from Lawson's Uchi Cafe

Speaking of drinks with tapioca, the base is generally milk tea. But it's a little heavy in the hot season, isn't it?

The drink base of "Tapioca Mango Jasmine Tea" is jasmine tea from Taiwan. Alfonso mango juice is added to this. The moment you put it in your mouth, the sweetness of this mango spreads.

Lawson "Tapioca Mango Jasmine Tea" also reduces calories
As you can see, it has a mango-like color

And jasmine tea has a faint scent like Taiwanese tea. It is light and refreshing as a whole, and you can drink it refreshingly even in the hot season.

The black tapioca in the drink base is konjac base. It seems that tapioca starch is also included, but tapioca does not have a chewy feeling. However, thanks to the konjac base, the calories are 118 kcal, which is quite low for a tapioca drink.

Lawson "Tapioca Mango Jasmine Tea" also reduces calories
Low calories instead of chewy

Hydration is important in the hot days after the rainy season. How about replenishing water and tapioca (?) With "Tapioca Mango Jasmine Tea"? The price is 238 yen (including consumption tax).