Yoshinoya "Beef Kimchi Bowser"
Gochujang's spicy soup and gyudon ingredients go well together

I tried "Beef Kimchi Bowser" which Yoshinoya sells for a limited time until September 14th. The spicy soup and the spicy kimchi complement the sweet beef.

The price is 490 yen (tax included, same below). The menu that appeared in 2010 will be reprinted in some areas in 2018. It was so popular that it reappeared nationwide this year.

Yoshinoya "Beef Kimchi Bowser"
It's a bright red soup, but gochujang isn't too strong and you can easily understand the taste of the ingredients.

Rice topped with beef bowl ingredients, Yoshinoya's special kimchi, moyashinamuru, and tofu, soup with gochujang base, kelp, bonito, shiitake, and beef extract, and finally topped with green onions. You can change it to "super spicy" with habanero powder added for free, but this time I gave it up.

Yoshinoya "Beef Kimchi Bowser"
If your tongue is tingling, eat tofu and you will rest.

The soup is bright red, but the flavor of gochujang is not too strong, and you can enjoy the gentle sweetness of the gyudon ingredients and the delicious taste of the meat. If you add other ingredients together, the acidity of Chinese cabbage kimchi mixes with the spiciness of the soup, creating a complex taste.

Moyashi Namuru has a crunchy and crispy accent every time you chew. If your tongue becomes irritated by the spiciness as you continue to eat, scoop up the tofu and put it in your mouth to rest.

Yoshinoya "Beef Kimchi Bowser"
Thanks to the soup, it fits in my stomach with rice and ingredients

Thanks to the generous amount of soup, the menu was very satisfying after a meal, as it made me feel hungry when I was sick in the heat, but when I used rice and ingredients.