Lotteria "Soi Vegetable Hamburger"
Contains soy vegetable hamburger and soy patties

I tried "Soi vegetable hamburger" for sale in Lotteria. It has a strong scent of spices and onions, and the texture is the meat itself. However, if you taste it carefully, it certainly has a soybean flavor.

The price is 390 yen (tax included). When I ordered at the counter, I was informed that I would have to wait a little. It seems better to ask when you have some time to spare. After finishing the checkout, a little over 6 minutes later, the freshly made food was brought to the table.

Lotteria "Soi Vegetable Hamburger"
Something is written on the package

Lotteria "Soi Vegetable Hamburger"

It looks like a normal hamburger. The patties are also deliciously baked, and it's hard to believe when you hear that they are made of soybeans.

Lotteria "Soi Vegetable Hamburger"
Not soy-like

When I grab it, the scent of spice tickles my nose. Cumin, nutmeg, garlic, basil, white pepper, thyme, etc. are added, but cumin is especially strong. The purpose is to supplement the light flavor of soybeans.

Lotteria "Soi Vegetable Hamburger"
Meat no matter how you look at it. It ’s very spicy when you eat it.

When I'm hungry, I want to flatten it as usual, but I'll hold it back and taste it well. Indeed, as you get used to spices, the soybean scent certainly seems to fade. However, there is not much in common with Ganmodoki and tofu, and the impression is much closer to meat. It's like meat made from vegetable protein instead of animal protein.

In combination with dressing and ketchup, the seasoning is done with beef patty burgers, but it is different from beef, but it is not pork or chicken, and recently it is not a spicy mutton, it is refreshing You can enjoy it with the feeling that it is a new kind of meat. The calorie is modest at about 260 kcal as a single item.